Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hello World

First things first - Laverne is purple. Shirley is orange.

so L, why the blog?
Because I keep happening upon clever, witty pockets of the Internet populated by like-minded folk trying to make sense of their place in the world. And I want to be one of them, maybe.

Ok, S, what do you hope to accomplish with this here blog?
i'm not so sure i want to accomplish anything (maybe perk up my typing skillz....) but i really think that our conversations about life and the decisions we are making and the things we are mulling over are a shared experience for women our age and so i want to, well, share them. sounds dumb - but it's true.

now tell me more about these like-minded people...
Well, I started reading a bunch of infertility blogs, for some reason. Even though I'm not currently diagnosed as such. But the thing about these ladies is their eloquence and hopefulness. Common threads that pass beyond geography or money or age. And because I'm supposed to be a "word" person by trade, I think this blog might might give me a brain nudge to use my words. Why don't you describe me in 3 words? I'll do you first: driven, creative, sillysweet.

Damn! Reader(s) you should know this is intimidating because L is sitting right here and she's getting all heavy - lucky for me it's pretty easy to describe her (it's the 3 word limit that's the prob): L is lucious, grounded, and huggable.

i'm thinking that i should be just a little more specific about the "decisions we are making and the things we are mulling over are a shared experience for women our age" i was talking about earlier.... we are in our early thirties and are both really happy in our careers, no? and we are both happily married, no? and we are both trying to make decisions about starting families and such, no?

careers=yes (as long as I get to keep mine) married = yes (with occasional blips of annoyance that we all experience) families=argh (I dunno. My mind changes every day.) The one thing I want from our blog--even if no answers come clear--is honesty and to be us. Not pandering to 1,000 followers. We're not trying to get a book deal or a tv show (can you believe they're actually naming a tv show "Shit My Dad Says?") And oh yeah, we will say "shit" a lot. And even the f word. Because that's how we roll. Do you think we can actually keep this up?

you want me to talk about my inner confusion, possible babies, and the occasional annoyance of marriage and you want to ask me if i can keep it up? yeah, you know i can!

lastly, i'd like to clarify that we go by laverne and shirley on this blog and call ourselves "two secret girls" not necessarily because we are cowards but because we really hope that the cloak of anonymity will help us to be even more honest than we might otherwise be and we'll say the things other people are afraid to... that and we don't need everyone we see on a daily basis to read all the shit we plan to write about our ovaries.

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